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Dachari Reg'd Kennel

Kewee's BIO

Miniature Schnauzer Keweee

Name: Dachari Work of Art

Call Name: "Kewee"

Date of Birth: 09/04/2018

Color: Salt and Pepper

Height: 13.5 Inches

Weight: 14.5 Pounds

This is our Mini Schnauzer girl Kewee. She is a multi-generation Dachari girl and it shows!

Much like her litter mate Kizzy, the very moment she was born was the moment we knew that she was special. However, unlike her sister Kewee is special in that she not only is gorgeous but is the epitome of 'laid back'. Want to go on adventure? She is right there ready and waiting. Want to Netflix and chill? She is ready and willing to be a lap dog. A couple of the younger dogs playing too rough? She is there to act as referee. Need a positive role model for a puppy? She is there to help teach them the rules of our hose. This flexability is what we love to see in our Schnauzers and we hope to see it in all our girls!

Miniature Schnauzer Kewee Picture 1

Miniature Schnauzer Kewee Picture 2

Miniature Schnauzer Kewee Picture 3
